My main intent for this blog is for those of you that I haven’t kept in close touch with and when I do finally talk to you and you ask the token question, “So what have you been up to?” and to this I respond “Oh, not much.” That’s not true! I really don’t lead a boring life, but when the time comes to tell about all the exciting things that are going on my mind hits a flat line. Thus comes “The Ballad of Kaycee Frederick”. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A few of Kaycee's favorite things!

As you look at this picture you will see two of the things I would never want to live and my cell phone. Look how happy they make me! They are just a few of the many blessings God has brought into my life.'s what gets me out of bed each morning. Every morning the first thing I do is walk into the kitchen and put some Texas pecan coffee beans into my coffee grinder...oh, the simple pleasures of life. The taste of that freshly ground, freshly brewed caffeinated goodness is the highlight of my day. It's the sweet nectar of my life.

Cell phone...while I have times in my life when I may not like the actual phone it, I love the fact that I can call anyone at anytime. And I love that people can get a hold of me, especially since I'm one of those freaks who fears something awful might happen and no one would be able to get a hold of me to tell me about it.

Now, I know that we are to have no idols before God but these two things come very close. I believe this is why God took me through period’s time without them.

About a year ago one of my best friends was trying to quit smoking. I said, like an idiot, that I would give up something too to support her. As like a SUPER idiot, I let her pick. Of course she had to pick the one thing that brought me to tears just thinking about a day without it...COFFEE. It was pretty rough the first week but after that not to bad, until I fly home for a visit. I have this "thing" when I'm traveling in an airport that I must fill my layovers with a latte and a book. I've never noticed how many coffee places there are in airports until that day...or maybe I was just hallucinating. Visions of a white chocolate mocha bigger than the size of Texas haunted me that whole trip. Then to top it off, I met up with some friends at my favorite coffee place in the whole world! They make this drink called the "Kupachella" and you just can't get anything like it anywhere else. It was devastating that my one trip a year back there, I had to pass the "Kupachella". BUT, eventually my friend quit smoking (YAY) and I got to go back to sweet deliciousness!

Now, the time without my phone was a much more dramatic event. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am known for wearing hooding sweatshirts in the winter time...they are my fav! But the pockets in the front just are not very practical. However, that doesn't stop me from putting stuff in there. So, one evening I'm in my apartment and I go the bathroom. I do my thing and turn around and flush. This is the point where time went into super slow motion (so envision the rest of the story happening very slowly). At exactly the time that I push down on the handle my cell phone slides out of my impractical pocket! My phone splashes right into the toilet (before you get super grossed out, my business was only #1). So me being the genius that I am, doesn't just reach down and grab the phone. Oh no, that's way too easy. I say to myself "I know, I'll just make the toilet stop flushing". So I take off the top of the toilet as fast as I can and just start pulling and jiggling everything I can. Of course, this accomplishes NOTHING! As I look down in desperation, I see my phone swirling and it finally goes down with a loud sucking noise...NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! It was gone...tear. I just sat there stunned and thinking "WHYYYYYY" in a Nancy Kerrigan voice. It was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life. I went 4 whole days without a cell phone, plus I had to do the walk of shame to my apartment complex office and tell them the story. Needless to say, at first they did not believe me then they broke out into hysterical laughter.

So, I do know what life is like without my two favorite things. Those times have made me more grateful for coffee and cellphones. Why would one want to function without them?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha!!!!!!! I could hear your cell phone story a million times and never get tired of it! You already know MY favorite thing....and it's one does that make the love of it even worse????? ARGH!

8:14 PM

Blogger Jennifer Bacak said...

My kids love to throw things in the toilet, but never a cell phone yet. Wow! What a moment.
Coffee, also my friend. I didn't get hooked until our third baby, and that did me in. Now it also gets me up in the morning. But it's for the good of my Bible Study, so it's totally okay! God invented coffee!

7:33 PM

Blogger Hendrick Family said...

Here's a random thought...

I'm turning 30 soon and wow, would I love a coffee grinder and some beans to grind.

Like I said...totally random thought.

11:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot believe that was a year ago! It seems like a lifetime ago but it was well worth it as your friend has never been healthier (except for the strep I have at the moment) and I can run forever!
Miss and love you poopy

9:19 AM

Blogger Whitney said...

i like you alot.

8:25 AM

Blogger Lori said...

Ummm... you going to update soon?!?
:) Miss you!

2:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

tap, tap, tap......that was the sound of my fingers impatiently tapping the table....awaiting a new blog entry!!!!! Come on! What do you think? I don't have time to read around here??? Blog! Blog!

8:19 PM

Blogger Master Kaycee said...

Ok people, there is only so much Kaycee to go around...I swear I haven't gave up on the bloggin world however before I post a new blog I would like to hear the masses pounding their fists on the desk

11:53 AM

Blogger Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Could you hear that?

3:00 PM


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