Confessions of an adult blanky sleeper...

Word on the blog is that I’ve been tagged. I do not quite understand this phenomana but I will participate anyway simply because if I don’t update my blog soon, Melodi will stop letting me into her house. Here are my five things that most people don’t know about me:
1) I sleep with a blanky.
Yes, I am 24 years old, but I’m not ashamed of this fact. My parents tried for years to hide my blanky from me as a child, hoping that I would just forget about it but their plot failed miserable. Being away from my blanky only made me desire it more and know I am obsessed. I can’t help it. I like soft snuggely things, and there shouldn’t be an age when you have to give those up. BTW, I also have a moose too…his name is Moose.
2) I HATE the word “panties”.
Normal people hear the word “panties” I hear nails running across a chalk board. Seriously…it pierces my ears and sends chills up my back. So please…please…just call them underwear!
3) I can’t swim.
This is a very important fact for anyone whoever gets in the pool with me to know, because if you’re one of those people who likes to play the “dunking” game and you try it on me…expect to decked in the face! It’s not because I hate you but because I am fighting for my very life. In junior high, there was this girl who was not aware of my swimming disorder, and she got a fist right in the face. So beware people…no dunking the McKaycee, cool girl drummer!
4) I love feety pajamas.
These things are the best. I love them on little kids. In fact, I think I will make my kids where them everyday of their life, even if it’s 100 degrees outside, until they are atleast 18. Do you think they make adult feety pjs? That would be awesome!
5) I am a former member of the official Britney Spears fan club.
I can’t believe I’m finally admitting this out’s my most shameful secret. And to top it off I owned two of her cds. This lasted for about 3 months until I got to college and my freshman year roommate sternly informed me that this was NOT cool. “Hit Me Baby One More Time” was soon replaced by Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin” and I’ve never like hip-hop or pop music since.
So those are my 5 things but my question is what if I’ve been tagged more than once. I think I’ve been tagged like 2-3 times now…does that mean I have to add 10 more “things”?
Oh, yeah, I guess I have to tag some people...hmmm...I think everyone I know in the blog world has been tagged but how about Will Ferrel, Michael Flately (Lord of the Dance!), the commercial announcer for "Head On...apply directly to the forehead", the inventor of the Magic Bullet blender (I want that), and last but not least...Mark Henry. By the way, I'm not sure if any of these people are frequent visitors to my blog so get the word out!